What's global warming? Global warming is the increase in the average temperature of Earth's near-surface air and oceans.
What's causing it?They cause a lot of things, such as pollution from factories, because of its gas after that, the smoke of cars and this go to the atmosphere and causes global warming of the earth. What's the movie based on? "Una verdad inconveniente", he bids trafficking of Climate change, which responsabiliza to the people, their governments and Industries that generate it, and urges to take a path of search clean energies to prevent the destruction of the planet.
Reflexion: Stop and think... "You look at that river gently flowing by. You notice the leaves rustling with the wind. You hear the birds; you hear the tree frogs. In the distance you hear a cow. You feel the grass. The mud gives a little bit on the river bank. It’s quiet; it’s peaceful. And all of a sudden, it’s a gear shift inside you. And it’s like taking a deep breath and going, 'Oh yeah, I forgot about this'. ”— Al Gore in the opening monologue of An Inconvenient Truth
What's climate change?Climate change is any change in global climate on Earth either by natural causes or human influence on all climatic parameters, temperature, precipitation and cloudiness. The climate of a planet depends on both the astronomical position as the composition of the atmosphere and a small change in these conditions can alter the planet's ecological situation.
Who's Gore?Albert Arnold Gore is the politician and envaironmentalist USA, it was forty-fift vicepresident of the United Estates under the presedency of Bill Clinton and candidate for hte presidency in 2000, when he lost the presidential election to George Walker Buch. In 2007 he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his contribution to the thinking and global action on climate change, and the Prince of Asturias Award for International Cooperation.
What is he famous for? He's famous for his theorist of the environment.
Hello, my name is Aina and I'm fourteen years old, I'm happy and joker and my favourite music are Rihanna and David Guetta. In this blog I will put all the work do in my english lesson.
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